Puppies by N CH Spotnik´s Quick Quackery and INT CH Spotnik´s Diva Deluxe (A.I.)
It started Saturday night, when the first black bitch was born 30 hours after the temperature had been down to 36,9.
After 2 1/2 hours she was given an oxytocin shot, and the next puppy arrived just after midnight, a liver boy, full og life. Again it took some time before another black bitch was born, dead. Very sad. After another couple of hours, a third black bitch was born, again full of life. I could feel there was one more coming, but used half an hour to be born. A dead liver bitch. When she was out, I called the Veterinary Clinic, in the next town, as my vet was ill, to wake them up before I came, very early in the morning. We took an x-ray, and it showed that she was empty.
The result was 3 puppies, 1 liver dog and 2 black bitches + 2 black and 1 liver bitch, who were dead. On the positive side there was a whole litter with complete nose pigment and no patches (which I don´t consider a cathastrophe, but Diva´s grandmother had a litter with 18 puppies and 10 patches!, which was some kind of a record).
Sometimes I ask myself why I am a dalmatian breeder, when things like this happens, but when all is settled, like now, I am very happy to see the puppies I have got, being rared by their wonderful mother, Diva. Here are they all fed.
Have a look under "Puppies" in the website to see the pedigree, or use: http://www.spotnik.no/PUPPIES.htm